Cedaen. Residencia de ancianos

Aims and Objectives

nursing home cedaen objetives

  • Have a positive impact on the development of Alzheimer's, other neurodegenerative diseases and acquired brain damage, by combining an array of pharmacological treatments with such non-pharmacologic therapies trying to stop the development of these diseases.
  • Trying to slow the progression of damage by different treatments and therapies allowing more time for quality of life of patients and increased conservation and self-esteem and autonomy which in turn will have a positive effect on the family and psychosocial context thereof.
  • Cedaen workspace is a comprehensive support for the primary caregiver and his entire family allowing recovery of autonomy while the patient can be seen as evolving in a proper and professional ambience
  • Encourage research and the study of Alzheimer's and neurodegenerative diseases collaborating with other centres and universities.